Traditional RTOSes for small MCUs, only make an embedded firmware as multithreaded by running functions parallel and there is no isolation between task. Therefore, this type of RTOSes is called as “Single Application” Operating Systems.
ZAYA is a Rich Operating System (like Linux) and supports multiple applications.
ZAYA user applications are isolated executables. ZAYA offers “Process Isolation” for User Applications, and a ZAYA User Application cannot access address ranges of other user applications. In case of violation, ZAYA Secure Kernel terminates the violent user application immediately, and the other applications continue to run their execution without any corruption/violation.

ZAYA recommends Multiple User Applications and Process Isolation for
Functional Security; A malfunctioned user application cannot access and steal the other user application secrets. Herein, the custom product implementation needs to be divided into modules(applications) to separate sensitive and non-sensitive user operations.
Functional Safety; A malfunctioned user application can break the nor Kernel neither other user application. The rest of the system is always up and running even the malfunctioned user application is terminated by the ZAYA Secure Kernel. Herein, the custom product implementation needs to be divided into modules(applications) to separate safety-critical and normal user operations.
ZAYA User Applications are also independent executables, you can design, develop (even with different toolchains/environment), download (OTA) in the field individually.
The good news is that ZAYA offers these feature even on small MCUs such as Arm Cortex M MCUs (e.g. Cortex M3).
Please feel free to ask for the details and demonstrations. Contact us :